We have one goal,
give our partners
a competitive advantage for success
A history full of great achievements
Established in 1975 by Mr. Mario Turello, the company initially concentrated on the manufacturing of industrial sealant machinery.
Over the years, it subsequently applied its experience to the planning, design and construction of machinery and plants for other industrial sectors, such as varnishes and inks, lubricants and later the food and pharmaceutical industries.
International collaborations
The ability to combine the most cutting-edge technology with the customer's specific requirements while offering a comprehensive range of products has enabled Turello to become a point of reference in its sector, where it is in a position to produce "custom-made" and "turnkey" systems which are exported to the four corners of the globe.
In order to meet the market demands and at the same time guarantee greater quality and reliability of the products it offered, monitoring all stages of production, the two current production companies were set up in 1999 these are:
Turello srl, natural evolution of the craftsmanship-based company,
Tur.mec srl operating in the mechanical components manufacturing sector.
Constant growth and progress
The current production at Turello srl is concentrated at the Coseano plant (UD) and is distinguished by an extensive variety of products, ranging from individual machines to complex production lines, making it the only company of its sector to offer a range of products devised to accommodate all the stages of the production process: from raw materials storage to mixing, packaging and even cleaning systems.
The company already in the year 2000 was able to supply the first "turnkey" plant for the continuous production of sealants, starting a gradual evolution towards the supply of fully integrated and automated production lines consolidated over the course of last years.
Flexibility, innovation and competence
to integrate systems according to our customers' specific production needs and to turn the differences of our customers into competitive advantages.
to ensure high levels of productivity, maximum reduction of waste, integrated control in production flows and solutions that are always in line with the market developments.
to guarantee and propose high-tech solutions designed to accommodate all possible production needs.
All our machinery and systems are carried out in compliance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/CE.
Our company is authorized to manufacture tanks, tubs and pressure equipment in compliance with the directive PED 97/23/CE. In collaboration with:
Plant certification in accordance with the ATEX Directive 2014/34/UE for use in classified environments in collaboration with:
Possibility of supplying tanks and tubs according to the Asme Directive Sez. VIII Div. 1. in collaboration with:
ITALIA Akzo Nobel - Albesiano Sisa - Baltea srl - Beckers - CAM - CAP Arreghini - Cea Abrasivi - CollantiConcorde - Colorificio Atria - Colorprint - Cos.mal.ver. - Darwink - Durante & Vivan - Edilver - Erca - Europlastica - Farbe - Flint - Formplast - Giovanni Crespi - Henkel - Huber Italia - Impa - Imper - Inver - Isva - Lechler - Limonta - Maggiora Dolciaria - Mapei - Max Meyer - Meposa - Milesi - MPM - N.P.T. - Naval - Neostucco - Nicola Vernici - Palini Vernici - Pigal - Raichem - Retel - Rhom&Haas - Rosa Plast - Polichem - Sark - Colorificio Sestriere - Sika Engineering - Sika Italia - Sun Chemical - Torggler - Tover - Uniflex - Vagnone&Boeri - Zetagì Colorificio - Zhermack - Zucchini EUROPA 2K - Adshead Ratcliffe - Akzo Nobel - Al Chimica - Alabastine - Arcada - Arets Graphic - ASP - Asphaltco - Ato Findley - Autofix - Baden Chemie - BAL Adhesives - BASF - Bayer - Beerkens - Belinka Kemostik - Bison - Bond It - Bostik - Brit Chem - Bross-Bueka - C.F.P.I.- Carina Silicone - CAS - Castelein Sealants - Castolin Eutectic - Caswell Adhesives - Ceresit - Chipita - Clydbridge Chemicals - Chocolat Frey - Coates Lorilleux - Colfirmit Rajasil - Collak - Collano - Cosmos Lac - Debratec - Deco Pack - Delo - Den Braven - DL Chemicals - Dow Chemical -Dow Corning - DPE - EMS - E.S.E.S. - Eckart - Edilon Sedra - Elastotet - Elephant Chemie - Emfi - Esha - Eurovite - Everbuild - Evode - Expandite - FEB - Fischer - Forbo Helmitin - Fosroc Expandite - Fourny - Fuchs - Gans Chemie - Geocel-Hartmann - Henkel - Hercuseal - Hermetic Centre - Hodgson Sealants - Hostmann Steinberg - IFI - Industrial Adhesives - Industrial Mining - Isomat - Izo Staklo - Jub - Kim Jarolin - Kimeseal - Krems Chemie - Krimelte - Le Joint Française - Libra - Lohnpack - Lubripack - Lyckeby - Mathys - Merz&Benteli - Monotiki - MTI - NKC - NKF Dichtstoffe - OBS - Olin - Olivé - Otto Chemie - PCI - Philips - PK Industries - Plastservice - Polyseam - PPG - PRC Desoto - Quilosa - Ravensberger - Rectavit - Remmers - Rhodia - Ronseal - Saba - Sakaphen - SB Chemie - Sealocrete PLA- SEL- Selena - Shell Aesol - Shin Etsu - Sicpa - Siegwerk - Sigma Coatings - Sika - Silikony Polskie - Siltech - Sinto - Soudal -Sovreign Chemicals - Stackpack - Starkolith - Stoppaq - Sun Chemical - Tenachem - Termika - TKK-Tremco Illbruck - Trenal - Trilak - Tsircon - Wacker - Weber - Wernl ASIA - OCEANIA Akzo Nobel - Al Nazeer Nippon Chemical - Apac Drome - AST - Bai Yun - Bayer - Bluestar Silicones - CMCI - Dae Dong - Den Braven - Dong Yang Silicone - Dow Corning - DYS - FEB - Foshan - Fosroc Expandite - ChuangShiJi - Ghaffari - Guibao - Hanshin Siltech - Hengxin - Henkel - Hongying - Kamyp - KCC - Lojit - Mohn Chemical - Morinaga - Nirlat - NoRooHoldings - Olivia - PFE - PT Indo - PPG - Razi Chemical - Rhodia - Sam Joong - Shin Etzu - Sigma Coatings- Siltech - Spec - Tonsan - Tradepaints - Tzach Serafon - Xin Zhan - Yangzhou Chenua - Yantai Drabond - Yuantong - Zhongyuan - Zhijiang - Zibo AMERICA 3M - Acrilex - Akzo Nobel - Adfast Corporation - Bayer México - Bluestar Silicones - Bostik Findley - Carina Silicone - Castolin Eutectic - Christensen - Coinsa Adhesivos - Corporacion Sellasil - Den Braven Siroflex - DaeDong Urethane - Dow Corning - FEB - GH International - Henkel - Hoechst Quimica -Inversiones Simbi - Loctite - Pecora - Polipisos do Brasil - Productos Pennsylvania - Quimicos de Seguridad - Schnee Morehead - Selena - Sherwin Williams - Sika - Sun Chemical - Tremco AFRICA Den Braven - Dow Corning - Pekay
Turello leadership
Turello Mario
Turello Esther
Vice President
Turello Nadja
Chief Executive